Complete Archive

Maven Release Plugin: Dead and Buried
Immutable Infrastructure and Cloud Architecture Talks
Flyway Java EE Hangout and Voxxed Interview
Jfokus 2014 and Nighthacking interview
E-book and JAXenter Interview (in German)
Java Magazin article and Fall 2013 speaking tour
Maven Release Plugin: The Final Nail in the Coffin
Relational Database Popularity Ranking
Flyway 2.0 and Methods & Tools article
Optional Dependency Strategies for Java Libraries
Testing private methods: easier than you think!
One Minute Book Review: Getting To Yes
One Minute Book Review: Getting Past No
Continuous Delivery Talk on Parleys
Environment Detection
Continuous Delivery Talk at the Rheinjug (in German)
One Minute Book Review: Inbound Marketing
Maven Releases on Steroids (3): Rounding it up with Jenkins
Maven Releases on Steroids (2): Preparing the POMs
Maven Releases on Steroids: Adios Release Plugin!
Ubuntu Server 10.10 on Virtual PC under Win7
The 600 Euro upgrade that cut build times in half
One Minute Book Review: Crossing the Chasm
The perils of the missing javascript block scope
Taming the beasts: Getting Ubuntu Server 9.10 to run in Virtual PC on Windows 7
Browser testing on steroids: Running IE 6, 7 and 8 simultaneously on Windows 7
Transparently supporting HTTP HEAD requests in Java and Spring MVC