Maven Releases on Steroids: Adios Release Plugin!
Releasing software encompasses a number of activities such as
- Picking a version number
- Checking out the latest revision from SCM
- Building and Testing binaries
- Tagging the SCM revison with the version number
- Publishing the binary artifacts in an Artifact Repository
- Writing release notes, announcement e-mails, etc...
In order to avoid the Works On My Machine syndrome, releases are typically built centrally on a continuous integration server such as
The Continuous Integration server serves as a choreographer between the following components:
- SCM (Subversion, Mercurial, Git, ...)
- Build Tool (Maven, Ant, Gradle, ...)
- Artifact Repository (Nexus, Artifactory, ...)
On Maven projects, the Building, Testing, Tagging and Publishing steps have traditionally been handled by the Maven Release Plugin. It works, to a reasonable degree, and it has a decent Jenkins plugin.
Using Jenkins and the Release Plugin, here are the typical steps performed by the various components:
(Safety Notice: buckle up, it's going to be a wild ride!)
- Jenkins checks out the latest revision from SCM
- Maven compiles the sources and runs the tests
- Release Plugin transforms the POMs with the new version number
- Maven compiles the sources and runs the tests
- Release Plugin commits the new POMs into SCM
- Release Plugin tags the new SCM revision with the version number
- Release Plugin transforms the POMs to version n+1 -SNAPSHOT
- Release Plugin commits the new new POMs into SCM
- Release Plugin checks out the new tag from SCM
- Maven compiles the sources and runs the tests
- Maven publishes the binaries into the Artifact Repository
Phew! Did you count it?
That's 3 full clean/compile/test cycles, 2 POM transformation rounds and 3 different SCM revisions!
No wonder this thing has proved to be error prone and frustrating to many developers for years now. And let's not even get me started on how well this thing blows up when another team member unsuspectingly checks in a change to the POM in the middle of this multiple transform and commit carousel...
So is there another way?
What if we could deal with only a single SCM revision (the one we want to release) going through a single clean/compile/test run before tagging the source and publishing the binaries?
Let me say this loud and clear: yes, we can!
The solution I present in part 2 does just that. This is what it looks like:
- Jenkins checks out the latest revision from SCM
- Maven compiles the sources and runs the tests
- Maven tags the SCM revision with the version number
- Maven publishes the binaries into the Artifact Repository
Simple and to the point.
Continue to Part 2 where we go into the adjustments to make to the POMs.

About Axel Fontaine
I'm an entrepreneur, public speaker and software development expert based in Munich.
I'm the creator of Sprinters. Sprinters lets you run your GitHub Actions jobs 10x cheaper on your own AWS account with secure, ephemeral, high-performance, low-cost runners within the privacy of your own VPC.
I also created CloudCaptain, previously known as Boxfuse. CloudCaptain is a cloud deployment platform enabling small and medium size companies to focus on development, while it takes care of infrastructure and operations.
Back in 2010, I bootstrapped Flyway, and grew it into the world's most popular database migration tool. Starting late 2017, I expanded the project beyond its open-source roots into a highly profitable business, acquiring many of the world's largest companies and public institutions as customers. After two years of exponential growth, I sold the company to Redgate in 2019.
In the past I also spoke regularly at many large international conferences including JavaOne, Devoxx, Jfokus, JavaZone, JAX and more about a wide range of topics including modular monoliths, immutable infrastructure and continuous delivery. As part of this I received the JavaOne RockStar speaker award. As a recognition for my contributions to overall Java industry, Oracle awarded me the Java Champion title.
You can find me on 𝕏 as @axelfontaine and email me at axel@axelfontaine.com