Flyway 2.0 and Methods & Tools article

It was during the last days of 2010 that Flyway 1.0 saw the light of day.

Since then almost 2 years and 11 months have passed. During this time Flyway improved considerably. Next to the Maven plugin and API, there is now a Command-line tool and Ant tasks. Database support has vastly improved with the addition of SQL Server, DB2, Derby and Google Cloud SQL. Meanwhile, all of Flyway's dependencies have been made optional. Flyway now has zero required dependencies! And if that wasn't enough, many smaller features have been implemented and countless bugs have been fixed!

It's been quite a ride indeed! And now the next chapter can begin! Flyway 2.0 was released a few days ago. The number of download has quadrupled in the last year, and there doesn't seem to be any stopping in sight!

To celebrate Flyway's new release, I've also launched a completely redesigned project home page and moved it to its own domain:

For announcements or referencing the project, there is now also an own twitter account: @flywaydb.

And to make getting started even easier, I also wrote an introductory article for Methods & Tools.

The future looks bright! Enjoy!



About Axel Fontaine

I'm an entrepreneur, public speaker and software development expert based in Munich.

I'm the creator of Sprinters. Sprinters lets you run your GitHub Actions jobs 10x cheaper on your own AWS account with secure, ephemeral, high-performance, low-cost runners within the privacy of your own VPC.

I also created CloudCaptain, previously known as Boxfuse. CloudCaptain is a cloud deployment platform enabling small and medium size companies to focus on development, while it takes care of infrastructure and operations.

Back in 2010, I bootstrapped Flyway, and grew it into the world's most popular database migration tool. Starting late 2017, I expanded the project beyond its open-source roots into a highly profitable business, acquiring many of the world's largest companies and public institutions as customers. After two years of exponential growth, I sold the company to Redgate in 2019.

In the past I also spoke regularly at many large international conferences including JavaOne, Devoxx, Jfokus, JavaZone, JAX and more about a wide range of topics including modular monoliths, immutable infrastructure and continuous delivery. As part of this I received the JavaOne RockStar speaker award. As a recognition for my contributions to overall Java industry, Oracle awarded me the Java Champion title.

You can find me on 𝕏 as @axelfontaine and email me at